Sunday, July 1, 2012

First Shoot!

Hey so i want everyone to see a few of my favorite photos from my first shoot doing makeup. Photographer: Jared Mercer. So here they are!

many more things are around the corner so stay posted

Monday, June 25, 2012

Finally PICTURES!!!

So iv'e been slacking a bit on my posts, life can get so busy sometimes but here we are a makeup update!So i'm coming around to the end of my beauty makeup segment of school and here are a few examples of what iv'e done so far....

Makeup of the 1800's

1920's makeup

Classy 1950's

Avant Garde 1960's

Boy George 1980's

Romantic Smokey eyes

My first time playing with airbrush makeup. My inspiration  was Taurus

Living and learning

Since i can remember I've dealt with issues regarding my stomach.  For the last 10 years my diet has been ever evolving, one week taking out tomatoes the next no wheat the next ever meal incorporating fennel. What iv'e come to realize is that ever day is different so knowing what my body tells me it needs i adjust what I eat daily. Iv'e also become very interested in chinese herbalism as well as Aryuveda. These are health philosophies that encompass total well being. Anyway i wanted to share a couple of my favorite site and share the wealth of healthy knowledge. Also here are some of my favorite smoothie recipes. 

This company is one of the top providers in chinese herbs, and offer the highest quality products available:

This Website not only sells some of the best alternative health items but the website itself has a wealth of knowledge. I sometimes go on it just to learn something new:

And last but now least here is a great site with some of my favorite raw recipes enjoy!

Monday, May 28, 2012


This blog will have different facets or sections. I will rotate, depending on how i feel or whats around me, posts pertaining to these different sections. They will be about subjects that will fall in one of the following categories; health, personal journey,inspirations,Aesthetic and/or physical beauty,art, and when i discover new beautiful things.

So this post pertains to inspiration. This last Saturday i went to cinespia to see a movie in the cemetery. This night they were playing Sabrina, the lead women being played by the one and only Audrey Hepburn. I have idolized Audrey since i was a little girl, so after seeing the movie i wanted to make a tribute post to her.She embodies, grace, elegance, class, femininity and wit. here are some beautiful photos of Audrey Hepburn that continually inspire me.  

The Beginning

Just like in nature the decomposing of a plant makes possible the rich soil for another to be grown, life allows situation and eras to die and decompose to make way for new beginnings. Whats truly amazing about that is no matter how rough or unsavory the past, there is always the potential for it to be turned into the healthiest of soils. All of this makes the word beginning have so much meaning, it not only implies the new, but also all that has been and changed to make way for the reincarnation of now.This pattern is is constantly played out in my life.  The death of an era of going to a group of places, seeing specific faces and following a certain schedules, many of which fall a way but their experience provided to me allows for a new cycle, constantly evolving but never forgetting the roots from which my experiences grew. A friend of mine explained to me very simply the bases of existentialism being that you are your essence which is made of of all the experiences you in body, and in that truth you have the ability to shape your future by your choices, and you always have a choice. So this is my first entry, a new beginning flourishing from old soil, an embraced reincarnation which furthers my own chosen destiny. 

I was living in Venice, cooking in a kitchen and struggling against a constant internal polarity. I had graduated from cooking school  two summers earlier. i am a passionate foodie. I get excited about flavors flirting with each other on a plate, colors swirling together and aromatic steam wafting, all the more beautiful because it will be a singularly unique experience. Cooking is almost like an installation piece with an incredibly short period of time to appreciate, make it all the more special. So i pursued a career, and had some great experiences but evolved into resent. The kitchen that was the place to finally make me realize how miserable i was was the tipping point for me to empower myself to leave. The owner of this restaurant is a great man, and as i was telling him i was quitting he told me something i will never forget, it was very simply - If your not happy now, you cant expect to be happy in six months,a year, or 5 years from now, when what you do stops making you happy, its time for something new. This is a man who for years was a social worker, then one day it stopped making him happy, he then traveled all over and collected ideas and recipes and opened up not one but 2 popular restaurants that also act a great community hubs. So I took action, the idea was presented to me by my boyfriend, and once it came out of his mouth it all snapped together like puzzle  pieces.  A career as a makeup artist.

Once i decide to go for something i will admit i can be headstrong and stubborn, but i don't neccesarily think that's bad. This symptom almost gives me tunnel vision which motivates me and i become very ambitious, nothing can get in my way. I was given a contact with a women who's big in the field of makeup behind the camera. We talked, i asked questions, she helped me have a more realistic view of my potential future, and she helped guide me to a school that would help prepare me for a career. So i enrolled. 

It's funny how in one moment is gunge ho and the next nervous anxiety. It was like the curtain fell and everything became real. Ill admit my mind is overactive at times, and the future is a thought too often, but i was playing out what was to come, who i would meet, the situations i would be in, the places i would live, i was riddled with the anxiety of making the right choices for myself. Finally i calmed down and trusted i would allow all the right things to happen at the right time and let myself continue forward. I let myself begin.

So that brings me current. I started at Cinema Makeup school Monday the 21st of may, and I'm feeling good. I'm learning all the basics, specifically beauty 101. First day was a long lecture, 2nd nude beauty (purely enhances features without obvious makeup), 3rd classic , 4rth dramatic (think classy red carpet), 5th glamorous (smokey eye). So he'res some pictures!
bryana looking fresh and natural

My interpretation of dramatic makeup 
I wanted simple elegance, i thought enhancing her lips would also allow her skin to be appreciated  for it's beauty