Monday, June 25, 2012

Living and learning

Since i can remember I've dealt with issues regarding my stomach.  For the last 10 years my diet has been ever evolving, one week taking out tomatoes the next no wheat the next ever meal incorporating fennel. What iv'e come to realize is that ever day is different so knowing what my body tells me it needs i adjust what I eat daily. Iv'e also become very interested in chinese herbalism as well as Aryuveda. These are health philosophies that encompass total well being. Anyway i wanted to share a couple of my favorite site and share the wealth of healthy knowledge. Also here are some of my favorite smoothie recipes. 

This company is one of the top providers in chinese herbs, and offer the highest quality products available:

This Website not only sells some of the best alternative health items but the website itself has a wealth of knowledge. I sometimes go on it just to learn something new:

And last but now least here is a great site with some of my favorite raw recipes enjoy!

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