Monday, May 28, 2012


This blog will have different facets or sections. I will rotate, depending on how i feel or whats around me, posts pertaining to these different sections. They will be about subjects that will fall in one of the following categories; health, personal journey,inspirations,Aesthetic and/or physical beauty,art, and when i discover new beautiful things.

So this post pertains to inspiration. This last Saturday i went to cinespia to see a movie in the cemetery. This night they were playing Sabrina, the lead women being played by the one and only Audrey Hepburn. I have idolized Audrey since i was a little girl, so after seeing the movie i wanted to make a tribute post to her.She embodies, grace, elegance, class, femininity and wit. here are some beautiful photos of Audrey Hepburn that continually inspire me.  

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